Don't settle for less than perfect health. Pursue with passion your ideal you. Your health matters. Your life matters. You matter. Believe it!
Mild is Wild
Mild hyperbarics (lower pressures) has recently been shown to be just as effective if not more effective at healing in many cases - especially for chronic conditions.
Beyond the Oxygen
While concentrated oxygen has historically been popular with hyperbarics, more and more people are experiencing better outcomes with just hyperbaric air. Both have their place.
Affordability Matters
Cost is the number one barrier to hyperbaric oxygen treatments. With hyperbaric air, that cost is greatly reduced so more people can experience the health they deserve.
When the Side Effects are just as good as the primary effect.
Better Executive Function Improved Eyesight Stress Reduction Better Sleep Improved Memory Higher Energy Levels Hearing Improvements Increased Optimism
Hyperbaric oxygen and air therapy has been used for decades to treat burn wounds, diabetic wounds, brain injuries, smoke inhalation, and so much more. But even after these acute injuries have been resolved, the secondary benefits are so positive, so enduring, and so varied that many people continue treatments as they continue to experience very real gains in other areas of life.
Reduce or eliminate pharmaceutical dependencies. Because sustainable health shouldn't come with a lifetime of uncertainty and negative side effects.
Take control of your own Health.
"Our passion is revolutionizing human health at scale through hyperbarics."
Hyperbaric Air Team
Hyperperbarics has a proven track record.
Hyperbaric Air Helps
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
No matter if the injury is recent or old, hyperbarics can often help permanently reduce or eliminate symptoms associated with virtually all forms of brain injury.
Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is frequently treated using mild, in-home hyperbarics as the number of dives needed to ensure lasting recovery is measured in the hundreds.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Many war veterans have experienced partial or complete recovery from their PTSD symptoms thanks to hyperbaric oxygen and hyperbaric air sessions.
Skin Grafts
Preparing and preserving skin grafts is yet another hyperbaric treatment application that is often covered by insurance. Blood flow throughout the entire body is increased which helps the body heal and accept the graft.

Through the use of hyperbaric chambers, medical researchers have found a way to restore a significant amount of neurological function in brain tissue thought to be chronically damaged by stroke, traumatic injury, and metabolic disorder -- even years after the original injury.
Diabetic Wounds
Time and time again limbs have been saved from amputation thanks in part to hyperbaric treatments to the point that most insurance companies will cover this application.
And many more
There are far too many ailments effectively treated by hyperbarics to list on a single page. Carbon monoxide poisoning. Fibromyalgia. Spinal injuries. Vision loss. Hearing loss. All manner of infections. Lou Gehrigh’s Disease. Multiple Sclerosis. Dementia. Cerebral Palsy. Autism. Etc.
Crush Injury
When a limb is crushed or severed, hyperbarics is again covered by insurance in most cases after the affected area has been tended to.
From our blog
You Support Vaccines by Using Facebook, Unless…
Facebook has officially decided that they will be censoring content on their platform to restrict the ability of their users to access information about vaccines in particular. In this newsroom press release, they outline six aggressive steps they are taking to ensure no one learns the truth about vaccinations. Facebook redirects their users towards “authoritative…
Hyperbaric Chamber Location Directories
Looking for a hyperbaric clinic near you, or in some other city? You have come to the right place. We had initially thought of listing all hyperbaric clinics (HBOT therapy centers) ourselves, but we realized there are many other public resources out there that are attempting to undertake this challenge. Rather than duplicate their work,…
What is HBOT or Hyperbaric Oxygen?
HBOT stands for Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment. But that just begs the question, what are hyperbaric oxygen treatments? Hyperbaric treatments involve entering a special pressure chamber where the air pressure inside the chamber is increased. Traditionally, these hyperbaric sessions involve breathing concentrated oxygen either through a hood or through filling the chamber completely with concentrated oxygen.…
Friends of Hyparbaric Air

The ideas presented by Hyperbaric Air are for informational purposes only. We do not diagnose or treat any specific disease. We believe each individual can and must take responsibility for their own health. Part of this process involves doing your own independent research and coming to your own conclusions. No matter how much expertise or research someone has, they won’t be experiencing the effects of their recommendations on your health. Be your own health champion!
Get in touch
San Francisco, Agusan del Sur
Philippines 8501
MON-FRI 09:00 – 19:00
SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00